My photo
The Enchanted Forest - that's what I call my new home on Sand Mountain, Alabama. I tagged it with the name as soon as we drove the U-Haul onto the property in late June, partly to trick my psyche into loving this new, very different locale that I wasn't sure I really wanted. I knew if I told myself often enough that this place was a treasure, I would eventually believe it. It worked. I love my small piece of the planet, and have accepted (almost) everything about it. I wish I'd started this journal the day we arrived - it's too labor-intensive to retrace all the steps that have brought me to this point, so I will begin here and let each day decide what is worthy of documenting. It's self-indulgent, and will surely vacsillate between celebratory and borderline-depressing - but that's what life is. And I find comfort in that cycle. So here goes . . .

Monday, October 19, 2009

Let the Sunshine In!

The sun FINALLY returned to the mountain yesterday! I awoke to the sunrise peeking through my bedroom window for the first time in what seems like an eternity! Almost since Meg's wedding last month (the subject of many future posts!), the sky has been relentless in its attempts to drown every single ant from its underground home into mine! But YESTERDAY was GLORIOUS! Must tell you more . . .

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