So I have to tell you about yesterday - the most GLORIOUS, COOL (almost cold!), CLEAR day you can imagine! On Lookout Mountain, the start of the colorful Autumn season is celebrated at the Mentone Colorfest. Rich and I have been watching the weather forecast for weeks now, hoping for the kind of day that would make Colorfesting perfect. And behold, that day dawned yesterday! We could barely wait to jump in the car and take in the scenery and the gentle, simple fun that awaited us at the top of our neighboring mountain.
A collection of 8 x 10 tents stretched along Cool Street, under multi-hued trees, each holding the wares of mostly-local craftspeople - everything from airplanes (complete with wind-driven propellers) made from soda/beer cans to the local nursery selling those gorgeous oak-leaf hydrangeas and other garden delights, all on an honor system! Take what you want, leave your money - no questions asked!
But the HIGHLIGHTS of the day were the lunch and dessert. Lunch was an ear of the most flavorful, tender, buttery roasted corn that a Southern girl could ever want! Fresh from the roaster, it gets dunked into a vat of butter, then wrapped in tin foil and handed over hot and tempting. Hold it by the husks, pile on the toppings (mine was a salty, parmeseany delight) and enjoy! I thought it was the best $3 I'd ever spent.
While the lunch decision was an easy one, the dessert required a bit more contemplation. No doubt where I'd get my sweet treat - the sign said it all! Any place that offers me my favorite indulgences - then coats them in funnel cake batter, deep fries them, and coats them in powdered suger is my new favorite. And this place did it all! While the handsome young boy helping his dad do the dunking/frying enthusiastically tried to convice me that the banana moon pie was the best, the chocoholic in me knew that either the deep-fried Oreo or the deep-fried Snickers would win out. Standing there, frustrated by the decision before me, the nice (thin, I might add!) lady taking orders convinced me when she drawled, "how 'bout 2 Oreos and a Snickers for 3 bucks?" Decision made. Divine decadence. THAT may be the best $3 I've ever spent! I'm already trying to figure out how to deep fry them at home! Don't put it past me!
Further down the trail, a trio of mountain musicians offered up the best-ever rendition of "Horse With No Name" . We were torn that we'd just dropped our last cash into the Pet Welfare donation bucket and had none left to thank these guys for sharing their talent.
What a divine afternoon I had with my Sweetie and this beautiful world!
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