My photo
The Enchanted Forest - that's what I call my new home on Sand Mountain, Alabama. I tagged it with the name as soon as we drove the U-Haul onto the property in late June, partly to trick my psyche into loving this new, very different locale that I wasn't sure I really wanted. I knew if I told myself often enough that this place was a treasure, I would eventually believe it. It worked. I love my small piece of the planet, and have accepted (almost) everything about it. I wish I'd started this journal the day we arrived - it's too labor-intensive to retrace all the steps that have brought me to this point, so I will begin here and let each day decide what is worthy of documenting. It's self-indulgent, and will surely vacsillate between celebratory and borderline-depressing - but that's what life is. And I find comfort in that cycle. So here goes . . .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We interrupt this blogpost to bring you "Eggs on the Ceiling"

So I spent about 30 minutes a bit earlier writing (what I thought were) all sorts of clever stories about our crazy Sand Mountain weather ("Autmer" or "Sumtumn"), the new "neigh"bor (pictured at right), and the seasonal visitor of yesterday (a migratory Least Sandpiper, pictured at left) when I was rudely interrupted by sounds coming from the kitchen that had me convinced the house had exploded.  Well, not quite.  But almost as bad.

I am known to be a bit ditzy, and forgetful, especially when I get focused on something other than what I should be focused on.  So I left a couple of eggs boiling on the stove while I ran to the computer just to check e-mail.  E-mail, then Facebook, then my favorite decorating and landscape blogs called.  Then inspiration hit for my above-mentioned blog entry, and the next thing I knew - BLAM!  Eggs on the ceiling!  And on the kitchen counters, the dining table, all three sections of the bay window blinds, not to mention the island cooktop and adjoining cabinetry.   (Who knew a couple of eggs could be so explosive?!  The pot lid actually bounced off the light fixture!  No joke!)

Thankfully HH is downstairs in the garage, happily oblivious to the stench that has filled the main house and the nice Revere Ware boiler I just destroyed.  And I won't worry, for now, that those were the last two eggs in the refrigerator 'til pay day and I'd promised tuna salad for lunch (yes, strangely, this family loves tuna salad - just plain water-packed tuna, with salt, pepper, mayonnaise and boiled EGGS.)  For now I'll worry about (quickly!) scraping egg off the ceiling and covering my moronic act with some other wonderful lunchtime treat for Handsome Hubby.

Do you think he'll go for cabbage?  That's the only thing I know that can out-stink burnt eggs!  Wish me luck . . .

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