I've been in labor for two days. Serious labor. Giving birth is really hard, you know??!!
This labor didn't produce a 10-fingered, 10-toed pink squirmy little human, but it did definitely produce my own personal bundle of joy!
As the Wish Garden has taken shape, it began to beg for a defined entrance. A starting point. A point of entry worthy of the work that's gone into it. And what began as a single pathway through the side yard is quickly becoming a series of divergent paths, all ending in the same spot. (I love the symbolism in that - many paths leading to the same end.)
And so this latest project was born. Taking fallen limbs, vines pulled from tall trees by Handsome Hubby, and the opportunity to use the power tools, I began early yesterday morning creating. (I love using the chop saw, the Tiger saw, and the nail guns - all three of them!) It may look simple, but sorting through my huge stockpile of limbs and vines, seeking just the right one for each spot; measuring and cutting for perfectly imperfect fit, and taking time to let each one speak to where it will fit best . . . it's a labor of love! So here it is. A 15' long decorative fence, complete with working gate. And later this week it will be installed at the entrance to the Wish Garden. I am tired - I am proud - I am happy. And now I will rest from my labor. (oh, go ahead - click on the picture and really see how great it is!)
That is AMAZING!!!!