Today was one of those dream-come-true days . . . when I can stay home all day and do nothing (not that I didn't have plenty of other things to do, mind you!) but play in the Wish Garden
all day! Oh, the joy!!!! A good day's work, if I may say so myself . . . giving a new home to a boatload of plants 'rescued' from the "distressed plants" cart at Lowe's! Love it! It may be late in the season for some of the annuals, but the perennials will (hopefully)

reward me next year for my act of heroism - saving them from the landfill. At least in the Wish Garden, if they are not happy and don't thrive they will give new life to others through the compost bin! So here's a

glimpse of some of today's accomplishments, and some that have been in place but not yet revealed.
(Beginnings of a flagstone wall . . . lots of plants in the ground, but many more still waiting . . . relocating some of my twig garden fences. . . Oh, what a wonderful day!)
Tools put away - check
Shower - check
Dinner ordered (take out once a week is acceptable - right?) - check
Hammock-time -
Can't wait!!!
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