My photo
The Enchanted Forest - that's what I call my new home on Sand Mountain, Alabama. I tagged it with the name as soon as we drove the U-Haul onto the property in late June, partly to trick my psyche into loving this new, very different locale that I wasn't sure I really wanted. I knew if I told myself often enough that this place was a treasure, I would eventually believe it. It worked. I love my small piece of the planet, and have accepted (almost) everything about it. I wish I'd started this journal the day we arrived - it's too labor-intensive to retrace all the steps that have brought me to this point, so I will begin here and let each day decide what is worthy of documenting. It's self-indulgent, and will surely vacsillate between celebratory and borderline-depressing - but that's what life is. And I find comfort in that cycle. So here goes . . .

Friday, July 13, 2012

Where Troubles Melt . . . part deux

As you know, the "enchanted forest" is gone.  Gone with the wind - literally.  So months, and months, and months have passed since . . . I've been gone from here much too long.  Life got in the way.  Too many things to count.  Some scary and disheartening - mostly wonderful, though.

But I'm back - at least for today.  I have an urgent desire to chronicle how the "Wish Garden", which was destroyed in the 4-11 tornado, has re-emerged.  Different, to be sure.  But still good, although lacking in some the spiritual qualities that I held so dear.  And lacking in the privacy that gave me a haven from the world.  A good hobby, nonetheless - keeping me in the fresh air, giving me a purpose, and providing some much needed physical activity.  

During the storm cleanup, some treasures from the garden were found, and all of them have been re-used - even if cracked, broken, crooked or wobbly - I honor their survival.  The same is true for plants.  Some plants made it through all the bulldozers and backhoes, and broke ground this Spring as if nothing had happened.  Their survival teaches me faith - and their survival is honored as they are allowed to grow in their original positions - I'll design around them!

When I began, there was nothing - nothing - NOTHING except rocky, barren soil and the few trees that I've now used as the perimeter of the garden. All of this is new . . . all accomplished (by me - my hands - my physical labor!) in the last 4 months.

I designed the garden this time with an 'infinity' theme - if you could walk it with me, you'd see that the path around the entire garden is in the shape of an infinity symbol - and within that large symbol are smaller versions to be explored as well.  Plantings were all placed to ensure this design.  The long-term plan is to fill the pathways with beautiful pea shot gravel (crunchy under foot!), and have the shrubbery grow and fill in and provide privacy for secret corners to be discovered.  Someday . . .
Some of my ideas have been very successful, and others not so.  But I'm in danger of losing it all.  (Not a story for now . . . maybe another time)  So when I realized I hadn't documented all the work I've devoted to the project, I felt a sudden compulsion to be self-indulgent and commit it all to some kind of scrapbook . . . so here it is.  My views of the my special place this morning.  Welcome!


Thank you for visiting . . . I do hope you'll come again!